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Trip to the Theatre Royal in Bath

Eight of us set off to see a production of Pride and Prejudice in Bath, driving to Abergavenny, then getting the train. Bath looked as handsome as ever in the sunshine. The actor Matthew Kelly gave us a pre-play talk - very funny and entertaining, also touching on the current state of the theatre (the importance of giving work to young actors) and Jane Austen's serious social message (rigid systems trap people, in this case to the detriment of women). The play was lively, presented on an ingenious revolving set. The plot, of course, is a famously satisfying one and the troupe must have been gratified by the strength of the final applause.

We missed a train connection on the way back but what could have been a dull wait on a cold dark station turned into the group of us discussing allsorts and the time went quickly. Big thanks go to those who did the driving , especially back over the peaks at night in the fog. And of course to those who organised the trip. It was a slightly long day, but we certainly enjoyed it.

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