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Craft Evening and a 90th Birthday

Trish R as Acting President gave a lovely surprise talk about events in 1927 - the first Volvo car, Alfred Hitchcock directed his first thriller ‘The Lodger - A Story of London Fog’, Bavaria lifted the ban on Hitler’s speeches!, Charles Lindberg completes the first solo flight across the Atlantic, Louis B Mayer forms the Academy of Motion Pictures leading to the ‘Oscars’ and the birth of one of our members Thelma Miles!! She was delighted we were celebrating her 90th birthday and credited her secret to her long association with the WI, continuing to work in the Oxfam shop and taking each day as it comes. Happy Birthday Thelma,

Anne and Sue introduced the members to lavender projects, from simple ‘no sew’ ones to more complex ideas. Everyone enjoyed making something and it led to a relaxed informal time with all enjoying a good chat as they created their lovely scented crafts.

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